Areté Award 2023: On Stage, the Masters of Responsibility.


Twenty years of responsible communication. Born in the analog world, Areté has witnessed the transition to the digital era, noting its incredible evolutions as well as its systematic contradictions.

For example, the contradiction related to the job market’s supply and demand: the correct term is no longer employment but employability, reflecting the harmony between various elements—from education to new professions—that fuel the (currently) hybrid economic system.

This is why the theme of the 2023 edition of Areté is precisely “Objective Employability,” highlighted by the opening speech of the responsibility master Elisa Zambito Marsala, who, in her role as head of social valorization and university relations at Intesa SanPaolo, stands at the helm of what can be defined as the largest private project on the subject in Italy, and possibly beyond.

From Letizia Moratti to Lorella Cuccarini.

Travel companions include, among others, Letizia Moratti, with her over-decade-long activity in supporting the vulnerable and combating addictions (primarily San Patrignano), and Davide Dattoli, founder and CEO of Talent Garden, who stands at the international forefront of human capital valorization processes.

A responsibility master of this twentieth edition is also Lorella Cuccarini, celebrating the twentieth anniversary of “Trenta Ore per la Vita” and an artistic career (with extraordinary success) characterized by social commitment.

Meanwhile, with the Areté’s “Friendly Finance” interest group, coordinated by Marco Milani (former vice president of Barclays Italy), a window opens on responsible finance with the presentation of the special award to Corrado Passera, founder of Illimity Bank, a key supporter of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Special Award Winners.

With the rector of Bocconi University, Francesco Billari, and Rossella Sobrero from the promoter group of the CSR and Social Innovation Fair, the ribbon-cutting of the twentieth edition by the jury president Luciano Floridi from Yale University, with special award winners: Mentory by Formiche to Fabio Ugolini of the Truescreen Foundation (application certifying the authenticity of digital images); Siamo Jedi with Lisa Mazoni from the Puntozero Beccaria association and rapper Alex Simbana, an important story of social inclusion after the prison experience.

Additionally, the 000 award, “Intelligence of Things,” presented by Marco Santarelli to geopolitical analyst Andrea Muratore, space advisor Chiara Chiesa, and president of Cyber Security Italy Foundation Marco Gabriele Proietti. Then, the presentation of Reginae, Digital Humanities Institute, the platform for digital transition in art and culture, with the award given by Federico Menna, CEO of EIT Digital (EU), to Arianna Traviglia, director of the Centre for Cultural Heritage Technology at the Italian Institute of Technology in Venice.

Finalists of the Twentieth Edition of Areté.

Then the press jury award chaired by the director of Forbes Italy, Alessandro Mauro Rossi. Finally, the Areté 2023 awards presented by Gemma Michetti, secretary general of Nuvolaverde. The finalists of the twentieth edition: Gruppo Iren, Ogyre, and Fastweb for Business Communication; Comune di Courmayeur, Museo Universitario Scienze Antropologiche di Milano, and Apple Academy Federico II di Napoli for Public Communication; Amref, Cesvi, and Terre des Hommes for Social Communication; Banca Ifis, Fineco Bank, and for Financial Communication, as well as Barilla, Ntt Data, and Zurich for Internal Communication; Chora Media, Factanza, and One More Pictures for Media.

The 2023 edition of Areté concludes with the proclamation of the overall winner and an appeal: Vincenzo Tiani of Ai Act, among the promoters of the open letter from 150 continental academics to European institutions to verify the “impact” of artificial intelligence on social life.

Protagonists of the event are public and private companies, non-profits, foundations, media, and institutions that have distinguished themselves in their field for the effectiveness of responsible communication, presenting these virtuous examples to the business community and the general public.

Source: Forbes

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