
Security, Proietti (Cyber Security Italy Foundation): 2 years of the Foundation, results are

ROME – Two years of life, many projects already accomplished and others to be accomplishedsoon. We are talking about the Cyber Security Italy Foundation, the first non-profit foundation inItaly on the cyber world, which after the intense initial phase with the many recognitions fromnational institutions, in the coming months will aim to strengthen itself internationally “We tookpart in the CyberTech Global in Israel, and I will soon be in the United States to start talking toAmerican institutions active in the field of education and cybersecurity,” says the foundation’spresident, Marco Gabriele Proietti. In these two years of life, says President Proietti,…

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Cyber Security Italy Foundation live on TGCOM24.

Tomorrow, Saturday 20 July, from 9.40 am, the Cyber Security Italy Foundation live onTGCOM24. Our vice president of operations, Matteo Macina, will speak live to comment on theoutcomes, risks and consequences of the computer blackout that caused numerous disruptionsworldwide. To watch the event broadcast live: on digitale terrestre, channel 51 and on the web at this link:

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National Cyber Capacity Building Ecosystem

Il giorno 2 Luglio la Fondazione è stata invita alla tavola rotonda organizzata dal Ministero degli Affari esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale.On July 2nd, the Foundation was invited to the round table organised by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs and International Cooperation. We wanted to thank Min. Plen. Michele Giacomelli for theinvitation. Opening speech was held by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairsand International Cooperation, Mr. Antonio Tajani,by Pref. Mr. Bruno Frattasi and by the Interior Minister, Mr. Antonio Piandedosi. We thank Vice Operations President, Mr. Matteo Macina for representing us.

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New appointment for the project promoted by the Cyber Security Italy Foundation to raise awareness and train high school students on the risks and opportunities of the cyber world.

Together with the operators of the National Cybersecurity Agency and the Postal Police, we are talking to the girls and boys of the IIS Gaetano De Sanctis – Ponte Milvio site, in Rome. Thanks also to Pietro Marchionni (Director Accenture Security Italy), Matteo Macina (deputy director Cts Cyber Security Italy Foundation) and Nicola Paolino (Cts Cyber Security Italy Foundation).

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Cyber Security Italy Foundation will speak at the Cybertech Global Conference in Telaviv. It is with great pride that we announce that this year as Cyber Security Italy Foundation we will be speaking at the Cybertech Global Conference in Telaviv, the leading event in the field of Cybersecurity technologies.

On 10 April, in fact, Massimo Ravenna, a member of the CTS of the Cyber Security Italy Foundation, will be one of the speakers on the panel ‘Protecting physical infrastructure from cyberattacks – Challenges and opportunities’. Ravenna ha ricordato l’importanza della formazione e dei progetti della Fondazione dedicati alle scuole e ha sottolineato il valore delle collaborazioni internazionali tra mondo accademico, aziendale e istituzionale e il ruolo significativo degli enti del terzo settore. The conference represents a crucial international event for policy makers, companies, stakeholders and experts. It is a prestigious opportunity to catch up on the latest technological innovations…

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Raising Awareness of Cybersecurity Risks for People with Disabilities

On 9 April, at the press room of the Chamber of Deputies, we presented the Project to raise awareness on cybersecurity risks for persons with disabilities, which we conceived and promoted in collaboration with Capodarco Formazione Impresa Sociale. The press conference was opened by the Hon. Alessandro Colucci, Secretary of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and President of the Parliamentary Intergroup on Technological Information Security, and by the President of the Cyber Security Italy Foundation Marco Gabriele Proietti. Speakers will include Ivano Gabrielli (Director of the Central Postal Police Service), Giorgia Sette (Vice President of Capodarco Formazione Impresa…

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TIM and Cyber Security Italy Foundation sign memorandum of understanding on cyber security.Gruppo TIM

Rome, January 2024, 29th The agreement has the dual objective of promoting responsible behavior in the use of new technologies and training students in managing cyber crises. TIM and the Cyber Security Italy Foundation have signed a memorandum of understanding to spread cybersecurity culture in schools and to initiate a collaboration that allows studying cyber threats from a Cyber Threat Intelligence perspective. The initiative aims to raise awareness among students, teachers, and families about the conscious use of technology and the security measures to be adopted on the web and social networks. Specifically, the agreement aims to promote new models…

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Russian hacker attack on public administration, salary halt avoided.ANSA

A freeze on December salaries and 13th month bonuses for local authority employees affected by the massive attack by Russian hackers from Lockbit on the company Walpole, whose cloud infrastructure is used by Pa Digitale, a company that provides services to around 1,300 public administration bodies, has been averted. This was announced by the Agency. for National Cybersecurity, informing that ten days after the offensive, the work carried out to contain the damage ‘has allowed the restoration of all impacted services, as well as the recovery of the data subject to the attack for more than 700 of the national…

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