Interview to the ex Under Secretary of Defense Angelo Tofalo, currently the Scientific Director of Cyber Security Italy Foundation
ROME – The use of network-connected devices is growing across the world: “ There are 45 billion per almost 8 billion of human beings”, however In Italy “ we are basically a country of digital illiterates, according to the data” and even the so-called digital natives “don’t have that cultural knowledge of a tool that offers so many opportunities but at the same time presents just as many dangers” says in the video interview for Dire the Under Secretary of Defence, Angelo Tofalo, currently the Scientific Director of Cyber Security Italy Foundation.
According to Tofalo, the issue has to be solved first of all, by conveying to the citizens the importance of security when using the network. This is the main focus of Cyber Security Italy Foundation that puts together “the best experts and heads of the main cyber companies operating on the Italian market, a growing family entered by cyber managers of important Italian institutions”. The goals of the Foundation are “the spreading of the cyber security culture to protect the data and the information of Italians, meaning the correct use of the devices. And education at all levels: we made agreements with universities, but also with high schools and technical institutes. It is there- Tofalo emphasizes- is with the young people that we must start a cultural and educational work path in order to bring up those new recruits who will have the task of defending critical infrastructures and the country system”.
The cybersecurity field is already a field that embraces both the civil and the military sphere: “As the Under Secretary in Conte governments- remebers Tofalo- I focused on the new challenges of space and cyber domains”. In the latter, I personally pushed for Italy to be equipped with a command, Network Operations Command (NOC) to execute military operations in the cyber world, as the US and France are already doing. Today we have nothing to envy from others” he concludes.
Source: Agenzia DIRE